Hello there my fellow people today is May 2, 2014. Today I decided i would like to talk about relationships the ups the downs the sadness and laughs. Now I may only be 25 years old but I do like to think that I know somethings on how to make relationships work. I mean if I didn't then I don't think I would be happily married for 2 years by now. Now don't get me wrong relationships are never perfect if someone wants to tell you that everything is perfect then they probably don't want you to know what is really going on. Now I have had my fair share of messed up relationships and I could never figure out why they wouldn't work out all I knew is that I wasn't happy. The number one thing in any relationships is even with hard times and problems you should still be happy. If you ever feel like you aren't happy then the relationship will probably be going nowhere fast. If you truly love the person that you are with even when things get hard (money, sickness) you will just have that feeling in your heart that no matter what you want to be with the person and that you will work through it. My husband and I went through pre-martial counseling before we walked down the isle. At my church the pastor requests that you do this before he can marry you, it may seem like its silly but Chris and I learned so much from it. Some of the things that we were taught I will share in this post and then maybe others can use the same tools to have a successful future with their partner.
One thing that we were taught was that you should never fight about money. Money is a very common fight in relationships. Statistically the most common reason break-ups or divorces happen is because the couple is fighting about money. The way to get around the whole fight about money is to use this thinking, it is okay to fight about it but this is how the fight should go. Just remember that you are both concerned and bringing up points for a reason, so instead of going into the fight fighting with each other go into the fight knowing that you are both fighting about the same thing. So what you need to do is fight the problem together, be on the same team and tackle the money problem together don't fight each other about it. It sounds strange how can you fight about something without fighting each other. The simple answer is that you are both fighting the same thing so you discuss the problem and fight the problem not each other. I just used money as an example because that is usually the biggest fight this can work in any fight.
Now another common fight is you don't seem happy the first two years of a marriage are always difficult. For example you may not have the money to buy a house or a nice car or nice things and sometimes that can cause fights between couples. My husband and I didn't live with each other before we got married so for us the biggest struggle was learning to live with someone else and sharing everything. We didn't have a struggle living with each other at all but when it comes to house chores or other duties that was a struggle. Sometimes you maybe tired and not want to do dishes or laundry or clean but taking turns is key. When getting married the biggest thing we learned was don't go to bed angry and don't use the "D" word while fighting. The "D" word is divorce we were told that couples that fight and throw the word divorce around will more then likely end up in a divorce. Divorce is a easy way out when there isn't infidelity or abuse happening. Everything that maybe wrong with your relationship can surprisingly be fixed if you are willing to work on it together. That is what makes a marriage successful.
Now I am not claiming to be this marriage or relationship expert but I will say the only way to start your path to a healthy and happy marriage or relationship is to make sure that you yourself are happy first. It took me awhile to figure this out like I have said previously I could not figure out why my relationships were not working out. But the day that my ex broke up with me I decided to change my mentality and do me. I bought some cute summer clothes got my hair cut and changed my sad face to a smile. Not only did I feel more confident but i also radiated that to everyone around me. And man was I super lucky I got so lucky that I met my husband and I truly believe that we found each other because of how I had changed my mentality and him also. My husband had been single for 2 years prior to dating me. But when we met it was like the whole world stopped just for a minute and we had been brought together. I truly believe that we are soul mates there is no one else out there for me.
So as I conclude todays blog I will leave you with a recipe its a recipe of my own as in I tend to just throw things together and make delicious food.
Today's Recipe
Garlic Spinach and Cheese Roasted Potatoes
1 Pound of Red or Yellow potatoes cut into smaller pieces
2 Tablespoons of Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to Taste
1 Can of Spinach (I'm not rich cant always get fresh)
1 Teaspoon of Garlic Powder or Minced Garlic
1/2 Bag of Shredded Cheese (whichever flavor is your favorite)
1/2 Teaspoon of Oregano
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees
2.Drain the can of spinach as much as you can squeezing to get all the water out.
3.In a big bowl mix potatoes, spinach, oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and oregano together.
4.Lastly mix in the shredded cheese and place in a oven safe casserole dish.
5.Bake in your preheated oven for 20 minutes and stir every now and then.
6.When 5 minutes remain add a little extra cheese on top for some more cheesyness
7.Serve and enjoy and maybe comment if it was good
Happy reading,
Devinne Kathleen
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