Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mike mike mike…guess what day it is

Hello my fellow people today is May 7, 2014 and guess what day it is? HUMP DAY which means we should all walk around all day humping everything okay okay I'm just kidding don't do that people might think you are weird. Oh wait we are all weird anyways. I like when I do things or say things and people just take it the complete wrong way. It's like just because I made a comment about something you have said or done doesn't mean that I'm out to get you I mean come on I have way better things to do then run to my phone or computer every minute. Let's talk about how much social media influences us all daily. 

Now I can be the first to say that now that my convienent iPhone informs me when some awesome person comments on Facebook or Instagram or blogger or twitter or even a text, I tend to want to respond right away. I mean realistically I don't actually talk to many people on a daily basis on my phone. With that being said obviously since I have limited friends when my phone does go off I get very curious and want to see who it is, and respond. But come on doesn't everyone do that?? Hmmm nope and the reason I say that is because there are plenty of people that I want to talk or text with and I don't get a response. I mean yes we are all busy but when I've texted you or left you a message with a question and it's been 4 days that's ridiculous. 

Here is a classic mistake every person makes and doesn't even realize that they have done it. Facebook can show your recent activity log which means I see you have been on Facebook within the last 5 hours from when I posted something and asked if you have seen it. Also with Facebook messaging it shows that the message has been read so when you say nope haven't read it, yep you are a liar. Also when I have an iPhone and you have an iPhone it shows me that it has been delivered and read. The only thing this really does is show me what type of people I try and be friends with jeez I guess I'm just not interesting enough to talk to hangout or associate with. 

Okay so you don't want to hang out you don't want to talk then maybe we aren't friends. But now a days you can "be friends" with hundreds but hangout with like 5 of those people the real reason we all have Facebooks is so we can see what our "friends" are doing and keep up with them without even having to talk to them. I mean it's quite sad what happened to snail mail you know good ol' pen pals. Who doesn't like getting a letter okay technology is changed so take your computer and type up a letter and mail it to your friend. Make them feel special. 

Sadly if technology all crashed for a day no Facebook, no phone unless a phone call, no internet oh my I think Hell may freeze over people will all be freaking out and not know how to live so many people have become so dependant on technology. Today's challenge bust out that notebook get a friends address and write out all the things to them you can't write on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I accept my own challenge I will be writing a few friends I have neglected lately this way not only am I showing I am a friend but that I'm a friend that cares. 

Everyday things are changing around us just try and remember things may change but you can still be who you are all you have to do is show it. 

Happy reading, 
Devinne Kathleen 

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