Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rainy day Pretty Little Liars Day

Hello my fellow people today is June 10, 2004. Last week on Thursday I fell down a flight of stairs. So on Saturday I went to the emergency room. I found out that I didn't break a bone think God, but I did sprain my wrist really bad. So now I am stuck wearing a brace for the next two weeks. 

But I can't be too upset because at least I didn't break my wrist. My husband and I went grocery shopping yesterday, and we got a lot of good stuff to try. One thing that we buy is Snapple green tea because I haven't tried it yet. I tried the green tea this morning and it was so good. And I especially love the facts that come underneath the Snapple caps. This is the one that came under the green tea I drank this morning: 

Sunday night I made some pork chops for dinner. The way that I marinated the porkchops was using Italian dressing, and spices. The porkchops turned out delicious and we had broccoli I attempted to make cheese sauce without milk. Let's just say you can't use Velveeta cheese without milk to make a cheese sauce. I heated the Velveeta in the microwave and then poured it on top of the broccoli, but the cheese without milk hardens so quickly that once it hardens it's like you're eating the block of cheese.
But we ate it all anyways because we never waste food.  Here is a picture of our meal on Sunday:
 And of course we also had tater tots with our meal. 

Yesterday I went to the doctor to find out why my husband and I aren't having children. I had my routine Pap smear and then they did some blood work to figure out why I'm not getting my monthly friend. I will return back to the doctor in three weeks to find out the results hopefully it's just a small issue and nothing major. I just want to be able to have kids with my husband that's all you really want. But who knows maybe God has a different plan for us. So besides going to the doctor for my reproductive organs and then going to the emergency room for sprained wrist I've had enough excitement for a month. But I will tell you that I am super excited for pretty Little liars season premiere to be on tonight.

So on that note I leave you with another Snapple fact of the day:

Hope you all have a great evening and if you're watching pretty little liars I really hope you enjoyed it. And try to stay dry since it's going to rain for the next two days here in Illinois. 

Happy reading,
Devinne Kathleen

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